Islam Positif; Spirit Wacana Solusi Refleksi Ayi Sobarna

Posted by Rabu, 30 November 2011 0 komentar
Islam Positif; Spirit Wacana Solusi Refleksi ISLAM itu satu.Tapi untuk mengkajinya, perlu dihadirkan tiga wajah: idealita, realita, dan citra. Jika idealita Islam berwujud sebagai teks-teks wahyu; realita Islam tampak dalam keseharian umat Islam, citra Islam muncul dalam imajinasi hasil tempaan media. Dari sisi idealita, Islam adalah rahmatan lil 'alamin - rahmat bagi seluruh alam. Islam ya'lu wa...

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Gebang Temple, the oldest Hindu temple in Yogyakarta

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In the northern region of Yogyakarta, about 12 miles from downtown, there is a temple which ndak many people may know. Although located in a densely populated area, the existence of this temple as if it was still excluded.Gebang temple, the temple is sometimes a tiny patterned oldest Hindu temple in Yogyakarta, even older than the estimated Kalasan, the oldest Buddhist temple in Yogyakarta that.Go...

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Public Administration Mason C. Hoadley

Posted by Selasa, 29 November 2011 0 komentar
The problem of identity in discussing about the "state" in Indonesia has been in a cross road, especially if it talks about the origin of the Indonesian public administration. During the periods of pre-independence and post independence; is it a local genius or some thing adopted from abroad, or such a hybird of these two? The author tries to change the way we think by using a historical and a comparative...

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Enchantment Kedung Kayang Waterfall

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Ketep Pass near attractions, natural attractions there are no less thrill. His name Kedung Kayang Waterfall, unfortunately the presence of these attractions are still a few people who know because they have not managed optimally. Waterfall is located in the Village Wonolelo Kayang, District Sawangan, Magelang regency. However, some people consider this waterfall into the district of Boyolali. Quite...

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Silence Waterfalls Of Sekar Langit

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According to some information, in the northern part of Magelang District there is an attraction in the form of a waterfall that is quite interesting. As far as we are attractions in Magelang regency was prominent enough Waterfall Kedung Kayang that exists between Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu. Out of curiosity, we went straight to the waterfall tourist attraction called the Sky Falls Sekar this.The...

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National History Museum, Gateway to the Monas

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National History Museum, Gateway to the Monas Before entering the Monas, visitors are required to pass the National History Museum which is located below the precision of the Monas National Monument or Monument. I might as well want to know what collections are on display at the museum. Chamber of the National History Museum is located 3 meters below the surface of the pages of National Monument...

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Tracing the Tourism Village Kotagede

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Tracing the Tourism Village Kotagede Kotagede name is already no stranger to our ears. One area in the city of Jogjakarta that became the center of the silver industry. However, few know that in the township in the area Kotagede has its own historical value because Kotagede is also the former capital of the Islamic kingdom of Mataram.Kotagede is the name of a region in ancient times is the Capital...

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Monas National Monument, National Pride Symbols of Indonesia

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Although it has repeatedly been to the capital Jakarta, only this time I took time to visit the building of high standing in the middle of nan magnificent city. Long-standing monument has become one tourist attraction in the city.Monas National Monument called Monument was built in 1961 to commemorate and perpetuate the greatness of the struggle of the Indonesian nation known as the Revolution of...

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Kaliurang Tourism, Holiday Information This week

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Intrigued by the atmosphere of Kaliurang sights in the afternoon. Finally we re-visit these attractions for the umpteenth time.Kaliurang is a tourist spot located in Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region. Ground is at an altitude ± 878 m above sea level took place in the south of Mount Merapi Deserted parking lot Ground Area Tourism atmosphere were deserted in the afternoon especially cold environmental...

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Candi Sambisari - Sambisari Temple, The entrance of Merapi Views

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Sambisari temple is situated in the village Sambisari Purwomartani Village, approximately 12 miles from the center of Yogyakarta. Sambisari name is the name of an area with lush paddy fields in the Special Region Yogayakarta where the temple is located. To reach the temple site is located about 12 km to the east of the city of Yogyakarta on the north of the main road between Yogyakarta and Solo, can...

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Borobudur, The Largest Buddhist Temple in the 9th Century

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Borobudur, the largest Buddhist temple in the 9th Century,Who does not know Borobudur? This Buddhist temple has 1460 relief panels and 504 Buddha effigies in its complex. Millions of people longing to visit the buildings included in this World Wonder Heritages. Not surprisingly, since architecturally and functionally, as a place of worship, Borobudur is attractive.Borobudur was built by King Samaratungga,...

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Prambanan Hindu Temple Beautiful in the World

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Prambanan is incredibly beautiful building built in the 10th century during the reign of two kings, Rakai Rakai Pikatan and Balitung. Rose as high as 47 feet (5 meters higher than Borobudur temple), the foundation of this temple has fulfilled the desire to show Hindu triumph in Java Island. This temple is located 17 kilometers from the city center, in the middle of the area that is now a beautiful...

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